6 Ways On How To Have Fun Without Alcohol

6 Ways On How To Have Fun Without Alcohol

Spring is here and life is calling! Luckily, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the best of what the season has to offer without drinking. Need some inspiration on how to have fun without alcohol? We’ve got you. Read on for more…

Get Outside

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can have a significant impact on overall health and feelings of well-being. There are so many options for every fitness level and personality type that you’d have to try to not find one! Hiking, mountain biking, gardening—most of this cost little to no money, are readily accessible and offer easy, sober ways to hang with friends while learning how to have fun without alcohol.

And if the sun gets to be too much, night hikes and swimming offer special magic all their own. Let’s be honest, most of us haven’t seen the stars in a while; getting out and appreciating the world’s beauty can be really helpful as we learn how to enjoy life without drinking or using.

Hit The Road With Friends To Have Fun Without AlcoholEat and be Merry

When in doubt, eating together is a great social activity that doesn’t need to involve booze. Inviting people over for a grill-and-chill is a low-cost, low-pressure way to connect and have fun with people while exploring how to have fun without alcohol.. Also, sprucing up the occasion with refreshing non-alcoholic drinks is proof that you can have a party without alcohol. Throw in some games like cornhole, badminton, or horseshoes and you’re sure to be entertained—even if only by your lack of skill at said games.

Hit the Road

This all-time summer classic is a sure win. Make a playlist, get a pal, and hit the road. Thankfully, there are some excellent options nearby that are just far enough away to feel trip-worthy: Astoria, Bend, and Seattle all make the top of our list. Road trips offer a great way to reconnect with a sense of wonder and adventure and give you lots of time for thoughtful reflection while gazing at the gorgeous scenery, all while discovering how to have fun without alcohol.

Learn Something New

Isn’t it time you picked up that new skill you’ve been thinking about for too long? Yoga, rock climbing, gardening, outdoor survival, photography – now is as good of a time as ever to explore a new interest. Getting started with a low-key group course, a Meetup, or just experimenting on your own can give your days a sense of purpose and help fill hours that might have been spent partying (or recovering).

Music Festivals

Even if you think your rock-and-roll days are through, getting out to see some music can be inspiring and exhilarating. What’s better than sitting in the grass with friends, listening to a band you love? This is another day-to-night activity that can help you feel like you are still connected to the social life of this world, even though you aren’t drinking. Having something to focus on (i.e. the music) can take the pressure off socializing and give you practice making small talk in a low-key environment. Bring something non-alcoholic to drink and let friends know you aren’t partaking. Most importantly, know when enough is enough and it’s time to go.

Whatever you get up to, the main point is to remember that getting sober isn’t the end, it’s just the beginning. If living in recovery was boring, lonely, and unsatisfying, who want to do it? It may take some time to get used to being back out in the world—or finding basic activities even mildly entertaining—but it happens. The new life promises to be much better than the old.

If you need support in early recovery or beyond, get in touch.